
Showing posts from August, 2023

Operation Barbie - Mulholland Drive

H.I.3 CASE Neurological Technology criminal case Operation Barbie - Mulholland Drive August 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Barbie Franchise & brand does not want rights revoked  The majority of most global populations do not want rights or safety revoked which is why laws & safety are in place  We have branded our 5 Eyes - Cypress International Biotechnology operation after Barbie & Los Angeles Mulholland Drive area in Montreal & Los Angeles operating with different international interests in our newly advancing investigation into neurological technology intervention & abuse of the technology & power internationally including those affecting Americans & Canadians  This is for the ladies first, men second & sexuality - gender variant deviants third yet equally as minors ages 0-17 &;adults ages 18-100+ The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingd

$1 Billion Dollar Counter Attack - H.I.3

$1 US BILLION DOLLAR COUNTER ATTACK $1 Billion Dollar Counter Attack - H.I.3 Operation Barbie - Mulholland Drive.  August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATELY FUNDED  $1 US Billion funded investigation & counter attacks  Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney Bennett funded from their $20+ US Bn wealth (2023) The remainder of their wealth is set up in a retructurerd portfolio with Dr Tekari Yoshimoto Bennett for the four children ages 10, 18, 19 & 20 including majority share over PT Group - CIG & newly restructured strategic plans for 2024 & beyond FUNDED BY CIG - MONTREAL  This is separate from the $300 US Million investigation into the responsible neurological technology labs that had preyed on Dr Carly K.S Bennett, Dr Sydney Bennett & Jordan Bennett CA.CPA We have a multi-faceted advanced counter attack system in place with our global grid & petition Throughout the 11-25 hours & blogger pages PDF copi

September 1, 2023 Counter Attacks H.I.3

SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 TARGETS Neurological Technology Holy War August 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCEEDING WITH COUNTER ATTACKS  The three clusters of Ontario labs started a global holy war by luring in innocent people & groups connecting their bodies to sourced full body Havana Syndrome causing drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology to monitor & or monitor & control the body vocally, physically & psychologically  Altering our bodies using wireless technology attempting to convert our sexuality & gender  FORCED EXPERIMENTS Forced gender & drug experiments. Using conversion therapy to forcefully alter our gender to half gender & expecting to make us into sterilized docile easily controlled manufactured citizens under their watch & control using behavioural modification technology illegally connected to our bodies  GANG FU*KING Gang fu*king us using the wireless technology restraining our bodies

Shape Shifter - Morphing

TESTS & TRIALS ------------------------------------------ August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Shape shifting. Morphing. Move objects. Elastic time - warp theory & ability Can interfere with radio waves - taking over  Can split in seconds to seamingly more than once place at once physically or remote viewing in astral like state vibrating If anyone involved between 2011-2014 remembers the triangle & conscious state process between attached - detached & re-attached then memory access between attachments Can. Understands safety & international law. Has total conscious control -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

Incineration after H.I.3

MASS KILLINGS AFTER SEPT 1, 2023 August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU SPIED ON & THROUGH US - YOU HARMED OUR BODIES Refusing the demanded court case with international media along with neurological technology present alongside recorded & documented evidence with traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication We will be kidnapping targets & incinerating after extracting memory while interrogating before incinerating Plead guilty publicly to evidence, arguments & 11-25 hours + blogger pages description of H.I.3 Cremation Process Cremation is a process in which all carbon content is removed from the body by exposing it to extremely high temperatures. The heat consumes all organic matter, leaving behind bone fragments, known as “cremated remains” or “ashes”, which are then processed into fine particles, packaged, and placed in an urn Cremation Furnace A typical unit contains a primar

Memories of killings - H.I.3

MEMORIES OF DR SYDNEY N BENNETT August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The three clusters of Ontario labs cost thousands of lives already & soon to be millions of lives after September 1, 2023 1. Every person Dr Sydney N Bennett met between 1985-2023 that are still alive are getting killed with all family members & extended family & those connected past-present ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ 2. Everyone that operated at the three clusters of Ontario labs between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 3. If we cannot press charges & sue for financial damages we are executing all contacts & those connecting through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication within borders & airspace of Canada & internationally -------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------

Who we are 100% against... H.I.3

PT GROUP  Who we are 100% against... H.I.3 August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- GOVERNMENT CANADA  Canadian Parliament  Refusal & denied right to trial daily between 1990's-2023  Justin Trudeau  Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present  Anthony Rota  Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present  Melanie Joly Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present  Harjit Sajjan Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present  All Canadian political parties & lobby groups  Unfortunate reality for everyone & family + everyone connected past-present  Canadian Provincial Government  Past - living & living elected or hired workers & contractors Everyone involved & connected to the Government + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario l

A Monetary System - H.I.3

A MONETARY SYSTEM - NO DEBT August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Demerit based earned for basic credit if work is guaranteed over term period to pay for items above available cash on hand then interest payments calculated in different term structures Trade - time earning the basic needs,  basic, mid level & advanced privilege + savings Trade - domestic sales of services & units of domestic created products sold or international imports resold used & new Fair pay & accessible items then basic needs & privledge Trade - export international sales of units of domestic created products sold  or international imports resold used & new   Fair pay & accessible items then basic needs & privledge Security Policing - intelligence & surveillance hybrid combination then undercover & uniform grids mixed between Government & Private Sector Doubling if required as elected or head of Government

Adapting Law - Rules - H.I.3

ADAPTING SIMPLE LAW PROCESS August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules & law process of what you can & cannot do or you face basic, mid level & advanced punishment for 90 days-1 year, 1-10 years, 11-25+ years or executions using a mechanical spring loaded chair with straps where the head-ndck area is a swivel system to fracture the neck with a button if chosen  Advice: literally copy Canada & adjust for your geographic area including history of & people merging current with them advancing on Race, culture, belief-religion, gender, sexuality, gender expression Education & level + updates Financial situation Canadian law reference to copy from Security Policing - intelligence & surveillance hybrid combination then undercover & uniform grids mixed between Government & Private Sector Doubling if required as elected or head of Government then geographic based

Afterlife - Potential

AFTERLIFE - POTENTIAL August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a 50% chance. Karma & float out consciously then rebirth attachment or nothing & you existed out of a fluke chance in a reality that exists yet well it's a biological lottery experience & only one otherwise judgment & rebirth attachment for your consciousness which outside of the body in death can access all experiences past - present from births while conscious copies experience their own yet sharing similarities before entering a biological birth on a habitable planet housing life form options of sorts A fast action neck snapped or bullet lodged into brain is quick deaths hitting down all consciousness to biological process detaching consciousness from body In a chair contraption the force in which the spring loaded mechanical head section strapped to the head winds around front straight to 90-180 & 360 degrees has to be fast & enough to

Simple Kill Process - H.I.3

SIMPLE LOW COST KILL PROCESS August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- KIDNAPPED  A look-a-like replacement can drain accounts & revoke all assets before diapering if the target is kept & executed or enslaved worelessly or traditionally in another geographic area  INTERROGATION OR EXECUTION  A custom interrogation chair with headset Tall back chair. Head locks in & device that can using spring loaded action push on the neck to almost fracture or full fracture to execute (kill) Torso locks in & limbs - feet - hands strapped down Body removed & onto a wheeled trave to incinerator Body turned into ashes Ashes as fertilizer in ground or trees - vegetation or water You can release person interrogated under conditional release with GPS tracking or agreeing to sign in daily or you will execute -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group

After September 1, 2023 - H.I.3 Melinda Gates

WANT TO BE POSER KILLING OF After September 1, 2023 - H.I.3 Melinda Gates  August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- RETALIATION OVER H.I.3 You did not ant to be written about... Now those that operated at & with at the three clusters of Ontario labs had connected with you or someone connected to you so your loosing your lives regardless in response & retaliation  YOUR MENTIONED & USED IN INTERROGATIONS People interupting what we are song in our daily lives administering basic, mid level & advanced interrogation efforts chiming in speaking or screaming & singing songs or speaking in song or film quote themes through or into our skull - ears & through our bodies attacking our internal organs head to toe regardless of where we are & what we are doing & intending  WE ARE WRITTEN OFF AS WANT TO BE FRAUDSTERS Dr Sydney Bennett + others referring to us as want to be fraud posers that try to be something we are not ta

3 Process Resolution - H.I.3

3 PROCESS RESOLUTION August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. CAT Siamese cat Sugar to Dr Sydney Bennett from California theives in 2022 Palm Springs  2. MIND MACHINE  Crated neurological technology equipment to Dr Sydney Bennett 3. MONEY Financial settlement over 1980's-2023 efforts taken of $10.8 US Billion to Dr Sydney Bennett COLD CASE CLOSED IF 3 VARIABLES ARE MET Case involving Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney Bennett pertaining to H.I.3 & the 3 Ontario labs operating with US based neurological technology labs & different areas of Governments + Private Sector or other interests in North America & internationally  PT Group 

Want to be poser killings - H.I.3

WANT TO BE POSER KILLING OF August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Bennett + others referring to us as want to be fraud posers that try to be something we are not taking lead from others we met or heard of & or watched in content. Film, television or documentaries, news events or music & music videos or other People operating at & it the three clusters of Ontario labs referring to us as what to be fraudsters that they are to monitor & or monitor & control collectively banding together with different persons & groups to take us out slowly & painfully wirelessly using different staged events to cover it up & scape goat fall persons or fall groups so they can walk then blame their target they wirelessly attacked    -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

Bank Account Seizure - H.I.3

BANKING ACCOUNTS - PT GROUP + August 29, 2023  -------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT SEIZURES  The three clusters of Ontario labs efforts with those involved & connected operating between 1980's-1999 & 2000-2011 then again between 2012-2023 Seized personal & business accounts so we were stripped of earned financial freedom & power in Canada & pretty June 1, 2023 - September 1, 2023 also in USA more than internationally We strategically used approved legal representation to set up secondary business & related then personal accounts internationally for protection from the three clusters of Ontario labs despite some accounts having been seized & revoked We still paid the same equivalent amount in taxes through different Government &;strictly followed international laws yet lost millions of dollars in the process due to seizure, devide & destroy efforts by the three clusters of Ontario labs efforts with

Commercial Driving - H.I.3 Sydney Bennett

COMMERCIAL DRIVING - H.I.3 --------------------- August 29, 2023  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Intertwined case in H.I.3 The one Ontario lab plus those operating at & with that they connected with 24/7 Driver training in British Columbia & Alberta then Ontario Class 7-5, 5, 6, 3, 2 & 1 training & certification then tour cmmentary training Commercial Professional Driving separate from riding a personal motorcycle or personal vehicle ---------------------------------------------------------------- Private Training + in-service hours Semi-truck & trailer combinations AIRDRIE - CALGARY - BANFF - LAKE LOUSE - JASPER - EDMONTON - BC Pursuit Brewster Inc Training + in-service hours Tour bus & mini bus Was anyone at the company involved with the three clusters of Ontario labs & those connecting internationally? Are they traced? CALGARY - EDMONTON - FORT MCMURRAY Diversified Transportation Training

Sydneys Day of Freedom

DAY OF FREEDOM  A million different people from one day to the next. I can't change. Neurological Technology enslavement  SYDNEYS DAY OF FREEDOM  Labor Day September 1 The global reveal in 10 terabyte hard drives. All identities exposed with 11-25 hours + blogger pages in PDF presentation with extracted memories in advanced form for review globally Theme song. Unofficial. Bittersweet ---------------------------------------------------------------- Inspired by this scene Catharines Expose - the ex-poz-eh Freedoms are earned through law & geographic appropriate common sense, education, knowledge & skill development The greats in history. Freeing traditional & wireless slaves with Dr Sydney Bennett In all in the lyrics... in the case. In the details  Sydneys Day of Freedom Rothschild - Bennett

Travel - North America - H.I.3 Sydney Bennett

TRAVEL - H.I.3 USA & CANADA August 29, 2023 Dr Sydney N Bennett ------------------------------------------------------------------   TRAVEL BY FLIGHT Flights, accomodations, food-drink & activities coveted by Dr Sydney N Bennett's earned income & savings while developing a career - investment portfolio  Orlando 1992 Family trip to Disney World 2000's-2023 The one Ontario lab of three clusters which affected more so between 2012-2023 more so than between 1992-2011 Recorded & documented evidence into how the one lab affected Dr Sydney N Bennett daily every waking & sleeping moment then during travel  North Bay Airport Air Canada - Flights to & from Toronto 2000's-2013 Vancouver International Airport Air Canada - Flights to & from Toronto 2000's-2012 West Jet - Flight to Calgary 2011 Kelowna Airport West Jet - Flights to & from Toronto 2011 Calgary International Airport West Jet - Flight from Vancouver 20

Comparisons - to - Dr Syndey Bennett

COMPARISONS AGAIN 2023 USING MEDIA CONTENT August 29, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparisons - to - Dr Syndey Bennett  Straight male or male like or lesbian  Dr Sydney Bennett as stated in the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of H.I.3 We use a mix of all of these comparisons together then add Dr Sydney Bennett's life cycle of experiences & perspective using the 10 terabytes memory & life with PDF copies included of the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of H.I.3 Based on similarities & differences  Female characters  Natural personality, identity in conscious - emotional psychological - mental - vocal & physical way & perspective in living as a person Applied styles based on activity & interests then effort communicated socially Normal communication - reaction - response Frankie - Lip Service Shane - L Word Tess - L Word Barbara - Don Jon Dow

New Recruit's - PT Group

NEW RECRUITS --------------------------------------- We are expanding in our contracted retructure with new faces alongside our remaining after a global restructure between June 1, 2023-September 1, 2023 for January 1, 2024 PERSONAL PRIVATE LIFE ----------------------- We are recruiting for our personal private life crew - team them right hand ladies first with few gents & variant sexuality - gender deviants to work with & for PT Group CIG Canada - International  New close friends & social circles + security  Background checks + profile summary Starting then developing game plan  Life cycle of experience, knowledge, skills, interests, goals, expectations plus personality & social skill, ability to read & learn  Communication, reaction & response  Expectations, boundaries, standards, personal rules & outlook  Physical appearance  Physical - mental health + dental health  Fashion sense - knowledge  Activity specific clothing, accessories & footwear  SEPARA

Withholding - Health & Dental Care H.I.3

WITHHOLDING HEALTH & DENTAL CARE   H.I.3 Case Concluded for September 1, 2023  August 29, 2023  -------------------------------------------------------------------- With health & dental insurance coverage 2012-2023 Unlike prior to 2012 dating between 1985-2011 the one Ontario lab of three clusters  Attacking Dr Sydney Bennett while on the way to & from health clinic or hospital & dental appointments or withholding from going or making appointments  Attacking Dr Sydney Bennett on the way to & from obtaining vacinations  Flu shots Covid 19  Other  Withholding required surgeries & treatment from injured they at the one neurological technology lab caused  Past - present 24 hour rotational team with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in operating with different persons & groups connecting or contacted then those connected through different offline, online, mobile & telephone communications  Highly critical often offensive judgemental people disresp

H.I.3 Case Concluded for September 1, 2023

CONCLUDED   H.I.3 Case Concluded for September 1, 2023   -------------------------------------------------------------------- If there is no court case with media for after September 1, 2023 we are taking alternative strategic yet legal & safe M.C.G efforts to address the three clusters of Ontario labs   WE WILL INFILTRATE & TAKE DOWN 3 ONTARIO CLUSTERS LABS I, Dr Sydney Bennett will be recruiting some specific females to join us in Montreal from Toronto while we finalize our Canadian - International restructure for January 2024 Contract & long-term employee interests in our private lives that can join our family the Bennett 3 & live - work for & with us while we have our main crew - team then guests & contract workers & partner contract firms for different projects   Personal lives - main crew + team  Employees  Contracted employees & partner firms  International public market & private investments PT Group - CIG Montreal  Alpha - Cypress - Monarch

Let them go? Screaming let them go?

TALKING INTO MY SKULL-EARS Let them go? Screaming let them go? August 28, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTEMPTING TO TRY TO CONTROL ME? Wirelessly Locking in my consciousness & taking over my body vocally, physically & psychologically administering detention & execution or a combination of practices or others & a combination  Physically restraining & psychologically suppressing me non-stop daily between 2012-2023 I can stop thinking as I had or remembering & imagine in then be careful what I think, imagine & remember or you will administer detention & execution or a combination of practices or others & a combination  I am to let that or them go? That doesn't make comprehensible sense at a normal adult University educated level to me This is incredibly frustrating  I am pissed off... no hierarchy in history will be able to take the pissed off & remove it. Unman & in time it could subside at time

Sydneys Day of Freedom

DAY OF FREEDOM  A million different people from one day to the next. I can't change. Neurological Technology enslavement  SYDNEYS DAY OF FREEDOM  Labor Day September 1 The global reveal in 10 terabyte hard drives. All identities exposed with 11-25 hours + blogger pages in PDF presentation with extracted memories in advanced form for review globally Theme song. Unofficial. Bittersweet ---------------------------------------------------------------- Inspired by this scene Catharines Expose - the ex-poz-eh Freedoms are earned through law & geographic appropriate common sense, education, knowledge & skill development The greats in history. Freeing traditional & wireless slaves with Dr Sydney Bennett In all in the lyrics... in the case. In the details  Sydneys Day of Freedom Rothschild - Bennett

September 1, 2023 H.I.3 Stand off

SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 - GAME DAY H.I.3 August 23, 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Court date over the three clusters of Ontario labs 1980's-2023 No court date then our slowly escalating wireless & non-wireless slaughter of all persons & groups involved regardless Government - Private Sector then private citizens & groups slaughtered. Responsible traced persons versus innocent not involved which will not be affected Any damaging efforts towards image, character, credibility & reputation False claims then other persons & groups following suit negatively affecting Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal like other neurological technology labs has these threat targets caught operating at or with the three clusters of Ontario labs or others connected under monitor unmanned recorded in the 1990's-2023 CIG investigation into the three clusters of Ontario labs as they are caught operating with & at the thre

Covid & Neuro-tech screening

COVID 19 + NEUROLOGICAL TECH CHECK STATIONS Screening for affected persons Simple safe EEG wireless tracing technology which allows us to see if a body is connected then tracing g signals to the GPS location housing the device for investigation into who is operating there & outside past + present This will become the new norm at international airports & domestic travel then as building security & at hospitals & clinics COSTS   Private Sector donated EEG advanced swiping headbands to distinguish if a human, animal, insect or mammal is connected to a permanent or detachable device. Simple device & tracing tablet at under $125 Canadian dollars per unit  Developed in Montreal by Michael Persinger, Dr Mary Koslov & Dr Sydney Bennett between 1990's-2000's between other efforts  PT Group   

Jordan & Amy Toms - Jackie & Noelle Keller Green

SNAPPING NECKS - PT GROUP  Jordan & Amy Toms - Jackie & Noelle Keller Green  August 28, 2023  -------------------------------------------------------------------- We are having the four necks snapped after September 1, 2023  Jordan & Amy Toms Bennett  Jacqueline Francis Keller Noelle Keller Green  Everyone the four met past - present ages 0-17 & ages 18-100+ & those now 18+ since  These pieces of vile parasitic sh!t did early for what they did with others connected between 1980's-2023 & for operating at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs between 2012-2023 & prior to 2012 dating between 1980's-2011 You people banded together to do what you did to us, Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett on record  CORPORATE DRAFTS  The drafts murder targets or other drafts murder them during these planned counter strikes after September 1, 2023 EVERYONE WITHIN BORDERS & AIRSPACE Loosing their lives with anyone connected internationally over th

Health situation - Dr Sydney N Bennett

HEALTH SITUATION Dr Sydney N Bennett ------------------------------------------------------------------   August 28, 2023 notice  After September 1, 2023 Dr Sydney N Bennett has to experience loosing most of the left forearm & left thigh - part of buttocks, a section of genitalia cutting out due to benign cyst & other concerns induced by extreme electro-shock torture & terror between 2012-2023 Loosing the left forearm Loosing part of left leg Loosing part of buttocks Loosing part of genitalia Cyborg beta transhumanism technology    Wheelchair & cain then exo-prosthetics to consciously controlled mind control assistive arm & leg + buttocks for January 2024 Injuries to address Previous fractures the one Ontario lab caused prior to & post 2012 which healed wrong  Facial - skull  Jaw - chin  Neck-spine  Limbs Hands - feet - fingers - toes Damage to brain, eyes, multiple internal organs Damage to heart & lungs  ----------------------------------------

Everything we were put through

EVERYTHING THE THREE CLUSTERS ONTARIO LABS PUT US THROUGH August 27, 2023 --------------------------------------------------------------------- NO RIGHT TO TRIAL  We are having everyone that operated at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs put through everything they did to our bodies 24/7 between 2012-2023 This is retaliation for denying us right to trial between 1990's-2023 People will experience wrists cutoff. Genitalia mutilated. Muscle mass - fat mass cut our of body. Multiple broken bones & loss of eyesight then internal organ damage while kept alive Cutting genitalia out of their bodies  Cutting off their fingers & thumbs Cutting off their ears  Experiencing dismemberment while Dr Sydney N Bennett has to experience loosing most of the left forearm & left thigh - part of buttocks, a section of genitalia cutting out due to benign cyst & other concerns induced by extreme electro-shock torture & terror between 2012-2022 RETALIATION OVER 1980

Surgeries + Treatment - H.I.3

SURGERIES - TREATMENT H.I 3 Affecting Dr Sydney N Bennett ----------------------------------------------☆☆☆-------------   - Argyle Associates 2009 4 wisdom teeth removed  The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process    - Lasik MD 2018 Eye surgery Hamilton   The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process    - Speigel Center 2021 Vocal surgery Boston   The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process  - Gateway Maxillofacial 2020 Orthognathic upper - lower jaw & chin genioplasty + lip lift addressing one area of facial injuries sustained between 1990's-2018 Edmonton - Camrose The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process  Forced counselling & consultations covered by ben

Obession - Obsession

OBSESSION - OBSESSING August 25, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- If I, Dr Sydney Bennett look at anything,  think, imagine & remember or vocally, physically & psychologically function people involved at & connected to the three clusters of Ontario labs illegally spy through my eyes - head & comment overseeing illegally then attempt at taking control on what I can & cannot do based on singular & collective opinions expressed in efforts to Govern using opinions, expectations, demands then requests made by different connecting groups -------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADIANS GETTING KILLED POST SEPT 1 There is a list of Canadian & international citizens getting killed for their involvement at & with the three clusters if Ontario labs between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 The legal estates of these people will be in court alongside the remaining livi

3 Bennett - Legal Action

LEGAL ACTION - REGARDLESS Beware. The Bennett 3 as between 1990's-2000's Persons or groups & Corporations,  companies or Governments Actors, actresses, directors, writers, cast-crew, dancers, bands, musicians & artists Medical or dental professionals Investors & public figures The disability - handicap Regardless of race, culture, religious belief, sexuality, gender, gender expression, education level or social & financial-economic status or fluctuating WE SUE Our image, character, credibility, reputation as singular independent people & citizens Our image, character, credibility, reputation as a family the Bennett 3 Our image, character, credibility, reputation as our investment portfolio PT Group CIG We will bankrupt you, press charges, Sue for financial damages & use advanced private global internal - external grid efforts to monitor you & those connected so you cannot take legal or illegal retaliation using those within ou

Montreal Ports - Tremblant

MONTREAL PORTS + TREMBLANT The Bennett 3. PT Group The Commonwealth Group. Canada International based in Montreal Quebec  Quebec Canada We own properties in Montreal & will in Mont Tremblant area in Quebec PT Group CIG  The company will lease space from properties owned by the family to operate using advanced practices  Personal properties Estate residences with advanced security & features Off-road trails  MX track - harescramble  Water - marine options Film - media research warehouse Natural & man-made disaster warning system  Silo-weather - seismic research bunker Advanced perimeter security  Local & Western Canadian ski-snowboard options + private facility & gym - research facility  Crew-guests & leased time for projects or production & training  NORTHERN ONTARIO  North Bay & area property  WESTERN CANADA  Western Canada. Vancouver - Whistler - Tofino - Calgary  Owned Western Canadian residence options & office or warehouse  Connected Canadian pa

Investments 2023-2024

PT Group CIG Canada - International  2023-2024 restructure After K.S Group USA, CIG Oceania-Asian, CIG Euro-Asua & Canadian International was decided in four groups between June 1, 2023 - September 1, 2023 under new names for January 1, 2024 CIG The Commonwealth Group Montreal - Calgary can re-invest in any of the four or any other international investment strategically from Canada  PT Group CIG  The Commonwealth Group Montreal - Calgary continues on owning Cypress International Biotechnology while neurological technology labs previously connected in USA, Australia & EU - Mediterranean are groups under the other three investment groups in the restructure splitting the group in four while members connected to the Bevarian Masonic Illuminati group of groups remain connected yet not involved in that or any group at all   CHANGES & RESTRUCTURE + CONTRACTION Tim & Mary K.S with daughter Carly Koslov sold their US based group K.S Group - CIG US Holdings effective September 1,

The X man & Dr Sydney Bennett

ELON MUSK & DR SYDNEY N BENNETT The X man & Dr Sydney Bennett  August 26, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Two globally known Billionaires  Engineer & Physicist MD Quest for advanced technologies, practices & health. Transhumanism  Elon in his portfolio of ventures has a San Francisco Bay area based neurological technology lab Dr Sydney Bennett took over a Montreal based ex-C.I.A funded mind control operation that merged & privatized in the early 2000's between Sudbury & Montreal Dr Sydney Bennett took control as majority shareholder slowly between 2008-2018 permanently while connected to labs in EU - Mediterranean, Australia & Los Angeles Neuralink & Cypress International Biotechnology CIG   Neuralink Corp. is an American neurotechnology company that is developing implantable brain–computer interfaces, based in Fremont, California, as of 2022. Founded by Elon Musk and a team of seven scientists and en

Killing People through their Heads

KILLING PEOPLE THROUGH THEIR HEADS Fu*king their heads into the ground August 26, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- The 3 Ontario clusters of labs like other neurological technology labs Luring unsuspecting people in for something else & connecting their bodies without then knowing to illegally monitor & or monitor & control them 24/7 to review memories & watch - control them before using their bodies in different ways locking in their consciousness then wirelessly executing them claiming they were all of a sudden mentally unstable & suicidal or that they died in an accident or by inflicted causes manufactured by the operating lab Once citizen subject is deceased device is dismantled & destroyed or repaired to connect to another citizen as a neuro-network weapon rendering the biological being an owned wireless slave Taking over the body vocally, physically & psychologically locking in their consciousness to con

Workers Compensation - Dr Sydney N Bennett

WORKERS COMPENSATION - EMPLOYMENT H.I.3 Case. Workers Compensation - Dr Sydney N Bennett August 26, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2002-2023 The one Ontario lab versus Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal Espionage + leaking information then rape-toeture-terror attacks wirelessly    Places Dr Sydney N Bennett worked Tangible workplace properties Travel - nomadic virtual satellite work Employers list as stated in the 11-25 hours & blogger pages description of H.I.3 PT Group CIG Calculated daily financial damages owed in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario & Quebec or internationally Every sleeping moment Every waking moment Daily routine & schedule - Morning Wake up routine Emails - news & correspondence Exercise - yoga & meditation + tail chi Resistence exercise & martial arts Breakfast Shower & dressed for day with day bag Morning work routine or leisure - Day Day work ro

Sexuality - Gender Dr Sydney N Bennett

STRICT TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE  Modern with open mind tolerance  Sexuality - Gender Dr Sydney N Bennett  August 25, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT REFER TO SYDNEY AS TRANS  Due to forced experients by the one Ontario labs efforts 1990's-2023  Pronouns: he or she straight or lesbian. White European not they or them (plural) Strictly heterosexual male or male like heterosexual male like guy Lesbian. Does not fu*k or date men Staged for H.I.3 or was wirelessly gag bound & raped or wirelessly raped or a combination then considered a retarded fagg*t that should be a disabilities handicap gay bottom or female that takes it in the mouth & sh!t Into the poo either way. Sewage  I, Dr Sydney N Bennett don't like sewage smell or taking a sh!t & the idea of that area touched outside of personal sanitary efforts carefully is absurd. I don't see any form of reverse sh!t as okay or safe  Straight dude or lesbian female fake d!

Fanny's-Solid Gold H.I.3 Strip Clubs + Underworld

MURDERING ALL STRIP CLUBS + UNDERWORLD CANADA  Fanny's-Solid Gold H.I.3 Strip Clubs + Underworld  August 25, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- STRIP CLUB ROUNDER  We will execute everyone involved in Canadian Strip Clubs or Underworld using different M.S.P segregation & M.S.P  This is to destroy those involved that operated with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs Modern Separatist tales all targets Necks snapped, bullets in heads or replacements & neuro-network executions after or before & or during court case relevations Justice served or death... simple as that -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

Wreckless Vehicles 2.0

H.I.3 VEHICLES VERSUS VICTIM August 25, 2023 Dr Sydney N Bennett 2012-2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL DRIVING  Vehicle - Fright wreck less. Normal... unmanned safe to partially to fully manned locked in then insane driving 1985-2012 Snowmobiles, automobiles, atv's, dirt bikes, side by side, boats, jet skiis Ontario registered North Bay-Astorville-Callander, Niagara Region We will refer to the new Ohio MacKenzie Shrill case along with over 30 others separate from other criminal cases to evaluate recorded & docuhmented evidence over daily life with the three clusters of Ontario labs versus Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal 10-15+ years per person expected just for this variable in the H.I.3 Case imprisonment, fines & financial damages paid to Dr Sydney N Bennett ------------------------------------------------------------