September 1, 2023 H.I.3 Stand off


August 23, 2023

Court date over the three clusters of Ontario labs 1980's-2023

No court date then our slowly escalating wireless & non-wireless slaughter of all persons & groups involved regardless

Government - Private Sector then private citizens & groups slaughtered. Responsible traced persons versus innocent not involved which will not be affected

Any damaging efforts towards image, character, credibility & reputation

False claims then other persons & groups following suit negatively affecting

Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal like other neurological technology labs has these threat targets caught operating at or with the three clusters of Ontario labs or others connected under monitor unmanned recorded in the 1990's-2023 CIG investigation into the three clusters of Ontario labs as they are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs spying on & attempting to control the bodies of Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett 


Detachable full body Havana Syndrome causing wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology in the investigation into 3 Ontario labs + others suspected to have Jackie's body like others connected to permanent variations of the technology

Jacqueline Francis Keller is one of over 10,000 monitored by Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal while other subject bodies are operating with clients or in controlled environments under CIG policies, standards & international laws

Detachable full body Havana Syndrome causing wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology in the investigation into 3 Ontario labs + others suspected to have Jordans body like others connected to permanent variations of the technology


Jordan R Bennett is one of over 10,000 monitored by Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal while other subject bodies are operating with clients or in controlled environments under CIG policies, standards & international laws

Anyone suspected involved or connected to the three clusters of Ontario labs 2012-2023 rape-torture-terror attacks & efforts to leak information out of the memories of Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett which is now shared publicly in over 60 countries between 2016-2023 after separate efforts taken between 1980's-2011

September 1, 2023 10 terabyte hard drives are being distributed with Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett's extracted memories & all details including PDF copies of the 11-25 hours & blogger pages as shared publicly on Meta: Facebook & Blogger between 2016-2023 + other online platforms

PT Group 


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