Investments 2023-2024

PT Group CIG

Canada - International 

2023-2024 restructure

After K.S Group USA, CIG Oceania-Asian, CIG Euro-Asua & Canadian International was decided in four groups between June 1, 2023 - September 1, 2023 under new names for January 1, 2024

CIG The Commonwealth Group Montreal - Calgary can re-invest in any of the four or any other international investment strategically from Canada 

PT Group CIG 

The Commonwealth Group Montreal - Calgary continues on owning Cypress International Biotechnology while neurological technology labs previously connected in USA, Australia & EU - Mediterranean are groups under the other three investment groups in the restructure splitting the group in four while members connected to the Bevarian Masonic Illuminati group of groups remain connected yet not involved in that or any group at all  


Tim & Mary K.S with daughter Carly Koslov sold their US based group K.S Group - CIG US Holdings effective September 1, 2023

Tekari Y Bennett her Australian - Japanese based group Yoshimoto Group - CIG Oceania-Asian Holdings effective September 1, 2023

Patrick & Nicole R Bennett retain a share on their EU - Mediterranean based group Rothschild Bennett Group - CIG Euro-Asian Holdings effective September 1, 2023 operating separately under a new name

PT Group 


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