Surgeries + Treatment - H.I.3


H.I 3

Affecting Dr Sydney N Bennett

- Argyle Associates 2009

4 wisdom teeth removed 

The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process 

- Lasik MD 2018

Eye surgery Hamilton
The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process 

- Speigel Center 2021

Vocal surgery Boston
The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process 

- Gateway Maxillofacial 2020

Orthognathic upper - lower jaw & chin genioplasty + lip lift addressing one area of facial injuries sustained between 1990's-2018 Edmonton - Camrose

The three clusters of Ontario labs. Every sleeping & waking moment before, during & after plus healing process 

Forced counselling & consultations covered by benefits & insurance or out if pocket versus consented game plan consciously


The list of remaining injuries sustained between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 are described in the H.I.3 Case descriptions 


PT Group 


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