Withholding - Health & Dental Care H.I.3


H.I.3 Case Concluded for September 1, 2023 

August 29, 2023 


With health & dental insurance coverage 2012-2023

Unlike prior to 2012 dating between 1985-2011 the one Ontario lab of three clusters 

Attacking Dr Sydney Bennett while on the way to & from health clinic or hospital & dental appointments or withholding from going or making appointments 

Attacking Dr Sydney Bennett on the way to & from obtaining vacinations 

Flu shots

Covid 19 


Withholding required surgeries & treatment from injured they at the one neurological technology lab caused 

Past - present 24 hour rotational team with volunteers & guests flown in & driven in operating with different persons & groups connecting or contacted then those connected through different offline, online, mobile & telephone communications 

Highly critical often offensive judgemental people disrespecting while making disturbing assumptions regarding intension then intervening aggressively to stop while the consciousness of Dr Sydney Bennett doesn't think that way yet they do involved at & connecting with the one Ontario lab then they intervene in a hard core aggressive way to disrespect & attack Dr Sydney Bennett


Any efforts to obtain health or dental care between 2012-2023 were met with while attacks by those operating at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs & those connecting within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada 

These people then intervene & contact people around Dr Sydney Bennett's body to express their opinion to intervene so rhey can further isolate Dr Sydney Bennett from dating, enjoying a marriage, children, friends or social circles, activities, interests, events & anything all day every day leaving Dr Sydney Bennett focusing on work - professional & legal interests primarily then the H.I.3 Case involving these non-stop efforts taken against by those operating with & at the thtee clusters of Ontario labs 

These interests do not want Dr Sydney Bennett doing anything or having anything in life isolated under their illegal watch & control 24/7 locked down in pain injured with brain trauma & attacked if Dr Sydney Bennett even moves an inch & goes to do anything daily since 2012 mainly after separate efforts were taken between 1980's-1999 & again between 2000-2011 

This is a form of wireless imprisonment & nob-stop harsh barbaric mistreatment with no explanation at all 


Past efforts to obtain consultations between 2012-2023 were overtaken by the one Ontario lab behind Dr Sydney Bennett's back & through the wireless device locking in consciousness voiding Dr Sydney Bennett from being able to make 100% conscious decisions fighting Dr Sydney Bennett for control of the body leaving time waisted & no results 90% of the time in British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec & Ontario then in the USA 


We have been & are reviewing over 1000 criminal & criminal control or negligence cases including over assumed disabled - injured or elderly then child - teen minor ages 0-17 & adult ages 18-100+ 

Negligence & criminal illegal control in withholding versus international cases over health & dental care access for a North Bay, Ontario, Canada born Canadian citizen of European background 


Abuse, harassment, assault, rape, torture, terror, disrespect & telling Dr Sydney Bennett to shut up, fu*k off & accept then fu*k off


A dame knight balance switch sub dom variety king that... well a sensual aggressor shark

Capable of being in one's own personality, identity with variations in applied style then acting as not self birth to present time or scene in gender - sexuality roles but only with thin attractive women

Attractive body
Attractive personality 
Established boundaries & rules 
Dynamics & game plan 


PT Group 


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