Obession - Obsession


August 25, 2023


If I, Dr Sydney Bennett look at anything,  think, imagine & remember or vocally, physically & psychologically function people involved at & connected to the three clusters of Ontario labs illegally spy through my eyes - head & comment overseeing illegally then attempt at taking control on what I can & cannot do based on singular & collective opinions expressed in efforts to Govern using opinions, expectations, demands then requests made by different connecting groups



There is a list of Canadian & international citizens getting killed for their involvement at & with the three clusters if Ontario labs between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

The legal estates of these people will be in court alongside the remaining living persons to answer for their involvement between that time frame 

This is retaliate during investigations & interrogations over what the responsible neurological technology labs did to Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

People are experiencing neck snap phenomenon & stray bullets in the head or other unfortunate death & dissappearance

Some people will live or be alive... some won't. Some will walk free innocent & some on conditional release. Some will be imprisoned for 90 days to 25+ years mostly in solitary confinement bankrupt poor

International interests are in a similar situation over H.I.3

Anyone who claimed Dr Carly K.S Bennett, Dr Tekari Y Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett had a cover for something once between 1980's-2023 

Anything we did, thought, imagined & remembered or our legal names for different purpose was or us a cover for something when we are aware of what a cover or multiple layered covers is... 


We are killing everyone that physically entered the three clusters of Ontario labs between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023. The majority of accomplices that operated with & at are going to get killed versus those that walk, are monitored under conditions, incarcerated for 90-25+ years mostly in solitary confinement 

Any one person or group that attempted to make decisions between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 fron the three clusters of Ontario labs are getting killed 

Monarch Family 

We are murdering everyone that worked at or operated with & those connected to the British Monarch family while we end the Monarch families lives over the attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett 

The United Kingdom is over. The UK Governments are over 

Plead guilty to the global public or go into the grave early 

Canadian Parliament

We are murdering everyone that worked at or operated with & those connected to the Canadian while we end the Federal & Provincial Governments lives over the attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett 

The Canadian is over. The UK Governments are over 

Plead guilty to the global public or go into the grave early 

White House 

We are murdering everyone that worked at or operated with & those connected to the United States Government while we end the United States Federal & State Governments lives over the attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett 

The United States is over. The UK Governments are over 

Plead guilty to the global public or go into the grave early 

North American + International Interests 

We are murdering everyone that worked at or operated with & those connected to all citizens, Private Sector & Government interests while we end all their lives over the attacks on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett 

The Planet is over. The majority of earth's population is over while less than 4 billion remain on the planet controlled under a restructure 

Plead guilty to the global public or go into the grave early 

Threats made on behalf the Bennett three to justify actions taken against between 2012-2023 & prior to 2012 which we are using... for September 1, 2023 to force public televised trial 


PT Group 


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