Who we are 100% against... H.I.3


Who we are 100% against... H.I.3

August 29, 2023



Canadian Parliament 

Refusal & denied right to trial daily between 1990's-2023 

Justin Trudeau 

Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present 

Anthony Rota 

Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present 

Melanie Joly

Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present 

Harjit Sajjan

Unfortunate reality for the man & family + everyone connected past-present 

All Canadian political parties & lobby groups 

Unfortunate reality for everyone & family + everyone connected past-present 

Canadian Provincial Government 

Past - living & living elected or hired workers & contractors

Everyone involved & connected to the Government + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs & with the US based neurological technology affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

All their lives ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ 

Canadian City - Municipal Governments 

Past - living & living elected or hired workers & contractors

Everyone involved & connected to the Government + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs & with the US based neurological technology affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

All their lives ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+

Chestemere Landing + Hyperactive Watersports

John & Helen Kittler + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs & with the US based neurological technology affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

All their lives ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ 

Jordan Bennett 

Jordan Bennett + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs & with the US based neurological technology affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

All their lives ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ 

Private Sector - Canada 

Corporate - company business interests + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs & with the US based neurological technology affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

All their lives ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+

Banking - Financial Interests Canada

Banking - Financial + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs & with the US based neurological technology affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

All their lives ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+

Spying on us wirelessly

Biological wireless neurological technology espionage + everyone connected past - present are caught operating with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs & with the US based neurological technology affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

All their lives ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+


PT Group 


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