Adapting Law - Rules - H.I.3


August 29, 2023

Rules & law process of what you can & cannot do or you face basic, mid level & advanced punishment for 90 days-1 year, 1-10 years, 11-25+ years or executions using a mechanical spring loaded chair with straps where the head-ndck area is a swivel system to fracture the neck with a button if chosen 

Advice: literally copy Canada & adjust for your geographic area including history of & people merging current with them advancing on

Race, culture, belief-religion, gender, sexuality, gender expression

Education & level + updates

Financial situation

Canadian law reference to copy from


Policing - intelligence & surveillance hybrid combination then undercover & uniform grids mixed between Government & Private Sector

Doubling if required as elected or head of Government then geographic based representatives & justices - judges & review jury which use basic-mid level-advanced judicial process in reviewing legal cases & evidence plus valid versus lies - invalid testimony when administering sentencing in punishment 

Each citizen has 25 demerits & can loose in punishment while those in good standing socially & with rules - law then financially in trade with basic needs - basic to advanced privilege enjoy more which those with less enjoy less in life with money or material assets & control 

Performance & positive attitude maintains 25 or 20-25 demerits like a credit score financial system proving you can pay over time with disposable income outside o basic needs & savings plan 

Public access United States Government & Private Sector practices & laws then United Nations 

Suggestions on interrogation mechanical chairs - with neck fracturing feature 

You are placed into the chair strapped in them answer questions + killed if your guilty of a crime that leaves you imprisoned for life rather than 90 days-1 year, 1-10 years, 11-25+ years

Prisoners should be used in basic sanitary conditions as slaves to carry out different forms of labor under watch or executed in a swivel chair 

Into holding cells then enslaved with chains to carry out tasks then back into the cell fed minimum, minimal shower time, clean basic laundry & minimal food-water 


PT Group 


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