Workers Compensation - Dr Sydney N Bennett


H.I.3 Case. Workers Compensation - Dr Sydney N Bennett

August 26, 2023


The one Ontario lab versus Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal

Espionage + leaking information then rape-toeture-terror attacks wirelessly   

Places Dr Sydney N Bennett worked

Tangible workplace properties
Travel - nomadic virtual satellite work

Employers list as stated in the 11-25 hours & blogger pages description of H.I.3

PT Group CIG

Calculated daily financial damages owed in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario & Quebec or internationally

Every sleeping moment
Every waking moment

Daily routine & schedule

- Morning

Wake up routine
Emails - news & correspondence
Exercise - yoga & meditation + tail chi
Resistence exercise & martial arts
Shower & dressed for day with day bag

Morning work routine or leisure

- Day

Day work routine or leisure


- Evening

Day work routine or leisure


- Night

Emails - news & correspondence
Exercise - yoga & meditation + tail chi
Resistence exercise & martial arts
Shower & dressed for day with day bag
Sleep routine

Bad habits. Coffee & sneaking the odd cigarette if stress levels are too high



Monitoring unmanned to taking over the body partially to almost fully manned 

While asleep 
While awake 

Normal - Unmanned 
Normal - Monitored 
Manned - Partially
Manned - Fully 

Normal, detention & execution or a combination of practices 

The interests involved operating at & with the three clusters of Ontario labs are caught operating with persons & groups at workplaces behind the subject bodies back 

Persons connected to or working at & separately clients then others in public the subject met & did not meet 

Some interests were brought in to go through the subjects head of memories & top operate with past - present on-going 24 hour rotational teams with volunteers 

Guests flown in & driven in

Persons & groups connected & contacted then those connecting through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication within the borders & airspace of Canada & outside 



Did Dr Carly K.S Bennett, Dr Nicolas Bennett, Sydney or Jordan Bennett CA.CPA include those operating at the three clusters of Ontario labs in spying on & through their bodies 24/7 with those operating there & guests brought in alongside people contacted outside the locations between birth - present 

We can confirm the three bodies are connected to full body Havana Syndrome causing drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology housed at the three clusters of Ontario labs while Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal used neurological technology to intervene during 1990's-2023 investigations  

1980-2023 Dr Carly K.S Bennett
1983-2023 Dr Nicolas Bennett, Sydney
1985-2023 Jordan Bennett CA.CPA

The Bennett 3 & sibling Jordan Bennett 

Carly K.S Bennett - Tekari Y Bennett - Sydney N Bennett 


PT Group 


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