Killing People through their Heads


Fu*king their heads into the ground

August 26, 2023

The 3 Ontario clusters of labs like other neurological technology labs

Luring unsuspecting people in for something else & connecting their bodies without then knowing to illegally monitor & or monitor & control them 24/7 to review memories & watch - control them before using their bodies in different ways locking in their consciousness then wirelessly executing them claiming they were all of a sudden mentally unstable & suicidal or that they died in an accident or by inflicted causes manufactured by the operating lab

Once citizen subject is deceased device is dismantled & destroyed or repaired to connect to another citizen as a neuro-network weapon rendering the biological being an owned wireless slave

Taking over the body vocally, physically & psychologically locking in their consciousness to control from unmanned monitored to partially & fully controlled

Permanent & detachable full body Havana Syndrome causing wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology

An intermidiary device can connect the body to the main device or main device used. Main devices can be moved & stored to operate from

These operating labs prey on mew-borns, toddlers, infants, children, teenagers & adults luring & hooking them up systematically at random or based on different motivational factors

Normal unmanned monitoring
Normal practices
Detention practices
Execution practices
Combination of practices

People subjects met & did not are often involved operating at or with the responsible locations while some accomplices operating with are not informed of the wireless device & left unaware while connecting with those operating at. The labs will connect directly or use intermidiary persons as messengers using offline, online, mobile & telephone channels to communicate

Banks, areas of Government, Police, Corporations, companies, persons, groups & areas of domestic & international trade then private + public markets are used with persons signing in under stakeholders trust to operate with supervisors & operating human team neurological technology handlers then those connecting that are or are not aware 


PT Group 


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