Bank Account Seizure - H.I.3


August 29, 2023 



The three clusters of Ontario labs efforts with those involved & connected operating between 1980's-1999 & 2000-2011 then again between 2012-2023

Seized personal & business accounts so we were stripped of earned financial freedom & power in Canada & pretty June 1, 2023 - September 1, 2023 also in USA more than internationally

We strategically used approved legal representation to set up secondary business & related then personal accounts internationally for protection from the three clusters of Ontario labs despite some accounts having been seized & revoked

We still paid the same equivalent amount in taxes through different Government &;strictly followed international laws yet lost millions of dollars in the process due to seizure, devide & destroy efforts by the three clusters of Ontario labs efforts with those connecting

These vultures & often funneling scam actors involved & connected tried to cover their tracks in how they operate using hundreds into thousands thousands of excuses to justify & cover up their efforts singularly & collectively woth different invested groups while expecting to say it never happened or that it's an isolated situation down playing & having everyone possible follow suit

If people suspect we at PT Group are spinning a web of lies & have it all worked out yet... we do using tangible fact, recorded & documented evidence & traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication including our global grid - petition & distribution channels which extend to offline & online communication with official information sharing rather than imposters so scape goat fall persons or groups & drafts or audit groups cannot hide behind others & walk

PT Group


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