New Recruit's - PT Group

NEW RECRUITS ---------------------------------------

We are expanding in our contracted retructure with new faces alongside our remaining after a global restructure between June 1, 2023-September 1, 2023 for January 1, 2024

PERSONAL PRIVATE LIFE -----------------------

We are recruiting for our personal private life crew - team them right hand ladies first with few gents & variant sexuality - gender deviants to work with & for PT Group CIG Canada - International 

New close friends & social circles + security 

Background checks + profile summary

Starting then developing game plan 

Life cycle of experience, knowledge, skills, interests, goals, expectations plus personality & social skill, ability to read & learn 

Communication, reaction & response 

Expectations, boundaries, standards, personal rules & outlook 

Physical appearance 

Physical - mental health + dental health 

Fashion sense - knowledge 

Activity specific clothing, accessories & footwear 


International workplace rules strictly in background checks, policies & practices professionally 


Contracted employees

Contract partner firms for projects 

Security & clearances Corporately in PT Group CIG 



Interests operating with competitors or areas of Government & any group that will operate as double or triple + agents or moles will be met with international legal & private action for reporting back to interests that expect to infiltrate & overtake or observe for social & financial gain for third party interests 

Our advanced security & device tracing & tracking does not allow for this activity under gag orders & non-disclosures for our personal protection & that of all others then separately our investments & projects 

Personal devices dropped at property entrances & bodies sweeped for bugs or neurological technology intervention then our devices used on property then approved off property devices with tracking upon log ins with performance based screen time monitoring for virtual or travelling workers 

This so no interest can take over from the outside or inside out 

Bugs are spy & tracking equipment 

Approved controlled application use to avoid third party covert spying & tampering interference 


PT Group


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