3 Bennett - Legal Action


Beware. The Bennett 3 as between 1990's-2000's

Persons or groups & Corporations,  companies or Governments

Actors, actresses, directors, writers, cast-crew, dancers, bands, musicians & artists

Medical or dental professionals

Investors & public figures

The disability - handicap

Regardless of race, culture, religious belief, sexuality, gender, gender expression, education level or social & financial-economic status or fluctuating


Our image, character, credibility, reputation as singular independent people & citizens

Our image, character, credibility, reputation as a family the Bennett 3

Our image, character, credibility, reputation as our investment portfolio PT Group CIG

We will bankrupt you, press charges, Sue for financial damages & use advanced private global internal - external grid efforts to monitor you & those connected so you cannot take legal or illegal retaliation using those within our family or those connected or anyone connected in our company or investments to sabotage or infiltrate & take control or negatively affect or harm criminally

We will then take further legal & private action if you proceed further while we monitor other threats or connected potential threats

Carly K.S Bennett - Tekari Y Bennett - Sydney N Bennett

PT Group 


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