Health situation - Dr Sydney N Bennett


Dr Sydney N Bennett
August 28, 2023 notice 

After September 1, 2023

Dr Sydney N Bennett has to experience loosing most of the left forearm & left thigh - part of buttocks, a section of genitalia cutting out due to benign cyst & other concerns induced by extreme electro-shock torture & terror between 2012-2023

Loosing the left forearm
Loosing part of left leg
Loosing part of buttocks
Loosing part of genitalia

Cyborg beta transhumanism technology   

Wheelchair & cain then exo-prosthetics to consciously controlled mind control assistive arm & leg + buttocks for January 2024

Injuries to address

Previous fractures the one Ontario lab caused prior to & post 2012 which healed wrong 

Facial - skull 
Jaw - chin 
Hands - feet - fingers - toes

Damage to brain, eyes, multiple internal organs

Damage to heart & lungs 


Health situation - Dr Sydney N Bennett 


PT Group 


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